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A member registered Feb 28, 2019

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There are some confusing things. Took me a while to understand Hunger, Absorption is quite confusing, as it cannot be found on the sheet, and the biggest thing for me is that templates list "Bonus to Cute/Spook" which isn't explained anywhere. 

Is it a number I can add to whichever of those I want when making the character? like, when making a small character, should I do 2.5 cute, 1 spook?

Finally, a good game!

Error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (see JavaScript console for details)
This is a known issue in Safari and Webkit browsers. Please report this issue to Apple.

I'm on PC, on a chrome.

(1 edit)

Please, move the cursor so it works like a cursor. It is currently centered on the mouse point. It should extend to the bottom-right from the mouse point.

Most of Europe uses QWERTY.

But ye, I'd love it if you could remap controls

Poor Octopi :c

You can walk through walls by splitting next to them a few times, and then rejoining a while later

"Upgrade" does nothing.

"Upgrade Max" takes resources equal to one upgrade, but does nothing.

I don't understand

Great, fun game!

I played the game a bit and the translations weren't too bad. The biggest issue was finding the English version in the first place.

The second option in the menu is "Settings" and the only setting to change there is the language.

I hope they make it clearer next patch.

@andrey30353, please either add a cog icon next to the settings, or add little flags in a corner of the main menu for language selection

Thanks for the reply and insight
I also think it fits the theme better this way. I just pointed out that speed still was a minor annoyance that added up to the fact that due to some gaps feeling too narrow you had to go around multiple times until  you fit the near pixel perfect position

other than that, it's a great idea for a game

the camera kinda breaks it, if it didn't tilt so much it would've been a great game

It's quite weird seeing prices like "35.18 bikes" and I don't like clickers, it's not a bad one tho. 3/5

scored 980 on my first try
quite fun for a while

(1 edit)

Very cool idea! I really like the design. it's kinda annoying tho that puzzle usually took place in 1/3 of the circle and you had to go around over and over again to move key a little bit every time. This level also annoyed me, the gap (red cicle) is a bit too small, your character can't pass it unless you hold both right and up at the same time. also, when key was in orange circle position, it took me 3 tries to squeeze between in and a wall, scoring me 3 unnecessary laps and 3 unnecessary passes through that a bit broken gap.

i also got stuck there, overall it's quite easy to get stuck

other than that, as I said, I really love this game and I'm looking forward to your future projects